Profilbild von wajdi Abbas Interactive design and virtual reality visualization agency aus berlin

wajdi Abbas


Letztes Update: 22.01.2020

Interactive design and virtual reality visualization agency

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Avestisch (Muttersprache) | Deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




In our studio Vis It, we aim to improve the architectural visualization to an immersive experience.
using Simulation programs and Virtual reality we help our clients to imagine their desired design in the planning phase. Starting from the initial outlines in any architectural concept, you have the tool to pretest the spatial parameters, height, width, and depth, in addition to the surrounding effects, ambiance sound, daylight, and even weather, all in a real scale!
in the following steps, you will be able to try decorations, materials and other design elements inside your project, literally from the INSIDE!
In the next time, when you ask to design your villa on the beach or an impressive flat, do not rely on the imagining capacity or plans and renders on flat screens!
it's always better to VisIT!



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Profilbild von wajdi Abbas Interactive design and virtual reality visualization agency aus berlin Interactive design and virtual reality visualization agency