Profilbild von Svyatoslav Gladkov Ruby/Python Backend Entwickler aus Dortmund

Svyatoslav Gladkov


Letztes Update: 09.09.2022

Ruby/Python Backend Entwickler

Abschluss: M.Sc. Computer Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Ukrainisch (Muttersprache)




¾-stack Software Engineer with 15+ years of experience.

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, microservices, React, Python, Django, CRM, Rails, API, backend, frontend, RabbitMQ, Kubernetes, TDD, pair programming, Large-scale systems.


09/2021 - 09/2022
Senior Software Engineer
Deliveroo (Roofoods LTD) (Transport und Logistik, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Food Delivery Service. High impact work on the system serving 28M customer contacts. Ruby on Rails backends within the microservices context and React based frontends. Test coverage: 85%. Cool facts: heavily reduced number of daily escalations, reduced service costs per order, hit the maximal automation levels in the company history, increased number of NPS surveys by one order of magnitude, reduced number of abusive compensations and ran number of data-driven experiments.

06/2019 - 08/2021
Senior Software Engineer
AAP-NDT GmbH (Industrie und Maschinenbau, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Document Management. Full-stack Python/Django web app - niche product for industrial digitalization. Introduced testing, CI, CD into the product. Developed accounting module from scratch. Led the development of React-based offline client. Test coverage: 10%.  Cool fact: regular visits to BP refinery and close work with people in overalls

09/2018 - 05/2019
Fullstack Software Engineer
Elixirator OU (Energie, Wasser und Umwelt, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Project for the Belgian energy broker. Rails API-only backend with Vue-based SPA frontend. Implemented call-center module from scratch. Introduced testing on the frontend. Test coverage on backend: 97%.  Cool fact: my very first full-time remote job.

11/2016 - 08/2018
Software Engineer
InVision AG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Workforce Management. Forecasting load on call centers in real-time using Machine Learning. Hexagonal/microservice architecture driven by RabbitMQ broker with dockerized deployment on Kubernetes. Slicing of monolith into 12 microservices. Strong TDD and agile practice coupled with full-time pair programming on Ruby and Python. Test coverage: 100%.  Cool fact: we’ve made the forecaster run 22 times faster than the original version.

02/2016 - 10/2016
Software Engineer
Swyx Solutions AG (Telekommunikation, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Telecommunications. Cloud-based PBX/VoIP solution. More bug fixing than development on top of 15 years old Windows-based legacy codebase in C++. Zombie Scrum. Introduced modern tools like ELK stack for logs processing and Google Test framework for unit testing. Test coverage: 1%. Cool fact: use of Google Test was painful because 300+ classes had to be mocked out due to legacy nature of the codebase.


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Profilbild von Svyatoslav Gladkov Ruby/Python Backend Entwickler aus Dortmund Ruby/Python Backend Entwickler