Profilbild von Stephan Anderson Freelance User Experience and Interaction Designer (B.A.) aus Berlin

Stephan Anderson


Letztes Update: 25.03.2020

Freelance User Experience and Interaction Designer (B.A.)

Firma: Stephan Anderson
Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




As a User Experience and Interaction Designer, I create innovative software with human-centered design. At any stage of the product development lifecycle, I strengthen ideas and deliver results with a research-driven methodology. Through interviews, prototyping, and experimentation, I efficiently derive essential customer insight. Guided by data, I design tailored web and mobile experiences that give users a feeling of familiarity and empowerment. I work independently or in tandem with your team to transform concepts into success-ready products.


User Experience Design · Interaction Design · Human-Centered Design · Human-Computer Interaction · Customer Interview and Experimentation · Usability · Prototyping · Information Architecture · Wireframe Modeling · Application Design · User Interface Design · Data Visualization · Consulting · Motion Design · Micro Animation · Joy of Use


Sketch  ·  Flinto  ·  InVision  ·  Axure  ·  Omnigraffle  ·  Adobe User Experience  ·  Adobe Photoshop  ·  Adobe Illustrator  ·  Adobe InDesign  ·  Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pen & Paper


Project: Telekom Sport
Client: Tållbeard GmbH
Date: February 2018 - Present
Position: User Experience & Interaction Designer

Berlin-based creative agency Tållbeard invited me to lead User Experience and Interaction Design for their client Telekom Sport, a streaming portal serving millions of subscribers. I began by visualizing user journeys and identifying hurdles in the current onboarding process. Based on these findings, I made concrete recommendations for improving designto increase signup conversion. To introduce stakeholders at Telekom Sport to these improvements, I created interactive prototypes illustrating the refreshed user interface and streamlined user journey.

Project: Appetita – Your Virtual Waiter
Entrepreneurial project
Date: March 2017 - Present

In 2017, I co-founded the startup Appetita – Your Virtual Waiter, an innovative digitalordering and payment solution for gastronomy business. As a User Experience and Interaction Designer, I brought a keen focus on problem solving to product developmentand championed joy of use. Beyond crafting a cohesive, cross-device interface design, I conducted customer interviews to validate the concept, constructed task flows and wireframes, created prototypes, and performed usability tests. As a startup founder, I also grew versatile entrepreneurial skill sets, including leadership, management and publicspeaking.

Project: Switzerland‘s Largest Consumer Portal
Client: Comparis AG
Date: February - April 2018
Position: Interaction Designer

In early 2018, Comparis AG, Switzerland’s largest consumer portal, sought to add a new “Doctor Comparison” offering to their portfolio of rate comparison services. When I joined the effort, I quickly got up to speed with the brand guidelines and business requirements and went on to act as Design Lead for new product development. Working in closecommunication with company stakeholders, I designed a responsive user interface, delivered to the client with interactive prototypes.

Project: Investment Product Development
Client: ING-DiBa AG
Date: September - December 2016
Position: User Experience Designer

International bank ING-DiBa formed an accelerator group tasked with making investment easier for consumers. The bank invited me to join a team of innovators to guide research and bring product concepts to life. Our structured, human-centered design approach was informed by consumer insight at each step. Experiments including prototype testing backed up ideas with data. At conclusion, ING-DiBa stakeholders had a refined understanding of how best to facilitate investing based on expressed customer needs.

Project: Germany's Largest Consumer Portal
Client: Verivox GmbH
Date: March - June 2016
Position: User Experience Designer

Over several months I worked to improve user experience for Verivox, Germany’s largest independent consumer portal. I joined the UX team on location, working side by side with front end developers to improve the customer-facing website. I was charged with envisioning the information architecture of new apps, and translating these concepts to sleek wireframe models and interactive prototypes.

Project: Experimental Software Engineering
Client: Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE
Date: February - March 2016
Position: Interaction Designer

Fraunhofer IESE, a German experimental software engineering group, invited me to join their team for a software development project. I worked consulting the team in early stages and translating client ideas into approachable interfaces. The resulting concept achieved the client's data-visualization goals through user-centered dashboards. I further refined the software concept and created a series of low-fidelity prototypes in response to client feedback.

Project: Ricardo's Mobile Shopping App
Client: Calydo AG
Date: February 2016
Position: Interaction Designer

Working with Swiss Creative agency Calydo, I developed a shopping app concept and prototype for client Ricardo, “the Swiss ebay”. After meeting the Calydo team, I flew to Switzerland on the same day to get started since they had a deadline to meet. In a few days we moved through concept development for a native Android mobile shopping application and created a polished, interactive prototype in time for their end of week presentation.

Project: KOPILOT Software for Schools
Client: KOPILOT GmbH
Date: January 2014 - Present
Position: Art Director (Digital)

Along with the KOPILOT team, we designed a software to facilitate teachers in meeting the organizational challenges associated with tracking individual student achievement. The software's widget-based, adaptive design is a platform for easily tracking student progress, accessed seamlessly across myriad devices. Schools in the network also benefit from the exchange of classroom resources through the KOPILOT Library. Open and ongoing dialogs between teachers and our software development team yields a dynamic product, continually improved in response to student and teacher feedback.

Project: Onlineshop of Swiss Farmers
Client: Landwirtschaftlicher Informationsdienst LID
Date: April - December 2013
Position: Interaction Designer

The online shop we developed for the Swiss Agricultural Information Service pairs integration of established corporate design with effortless navigation of highly customizable products. Whether shopping from the desktop or from the seat of a tractor on an iPhone, responsive pages always look natural and inviting. In addition to the web application, we created native apps for iOS and Android, available on the AppStore and GooglePlay. An approachable back-end allows for easy editing of product details by the clients.

Project: HeyBuddy Mobile App for Scuba Divers
Client: Indpendent project
Date: October 2012 - March 2013
Position: Interaction Designer

With HEYBUDDY, any smartphone user already owns one of the most sophisticated tools for minimizing risk while scuba diving. This mobile app allows scuba buddies to track one another and communicate essential safety information in new ways while adhering to established safety protocols.

Project: Download Tool Web Application
Client: Multi-Contact AG
Date: February - March 2015
Position: Art Director (Digital)

For client Multi-Contact AG, a Swiss mechatronics group, I created a sleek new platform for the download of relevant materials by clients and prospects. A bright flat-design aesthetic and intuitive informational organization make the site easy to navigate. Built with responsive design, page proportions and layout look contoured on any device.

Project: METAVIEW Software
Client: Prometa AG
Date: June - November 2013
Position: Interaction Designer

Swiss MES company Prometa created the software METAVIEW to give manufacturing clients a detailed view of production line efficiency. I gave the software a sleek, modern interface and features for improved user experience, so that users can gain the insights they need at a glance. For METAVIEW, responsive design extends not only from mobile to desktop applications, but also to onsite manufacturing terminal interfaces. I also designed Prometa's website with cohesive visuals and navigation.


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
I work independently or in tandem with your team to transform concepts into success-ready products:

Sonstige Angaben

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Interaction Design
Date: March 2013
Institution: Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule (BTK)
Scope: User Experience Design, Interaction Design, Human-Centered Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Prototyping, Information Architecture, Wireframe Modeling, Application Design, User Interface Design, Data Visualization, Motion Design, Micro Animation, Joy of Use
Profilbild von Stephan Anderson Freelance User Experience and Interaction Designer (B.A.) aus Berlin Freelance User Experience and Interaction Designer (B.A.)