Profilbild von Simon Scholz Senior Lead Engineer (Java | Kotlin | Spring Boot | Kubernetes | Vue | Flutter | Eclipse 4 RCP) aus Hamburg

Simon Scholz

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Letztes Update: 24.04.2024

Senior Lead Engineer (Java | Kotlin | Spring Boot | Kubernetes | Vue | Flutter | Eclipse 4 RCP)

Abschluss: Bachelor of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




Simon Scholz (37) hat 14 Jahre Berufserfahrung und fungierte zuletzt als Principal Software Engineer.
Dabei traf er Architektur-Entscheidungen für unterschiedliche Unternehmens-Domains.
Durch seine Fähigkeit, sich rasch in neue Technologien und Code einzuarbeiten, ist Simon stets darauf bedacht, die optimalen Lösungen für seine Kunden zu finden. Dabei geht er über das bloße Implementieren von Software hinaus, indem er sich tiefgreifendes Wissen über die spezifischen Domänen seiner Kunden aneignet. Diese Expertise nutzt er, um maßgeschneiderte Software-Architekturen zu entwerfen und erfolgreich umzusetzen.
Sein Wissen teilt er unter anderem in Form von Open Source Contributions, Vorträgen auf Entwicklerkonferenzen, Artikel für das Java-/Eclipse-Magazin und Tutorials auf

Programmiersprachen / Expressive Sprachen
Kotlin, Java, Groovy, Dart, JavaScript/TypeScript, SQL, Bash, HTML, CSS, XSLT, AsciiDoc, Markdown

Methodologies & Patterns
Clean Code, Clean Architecture, Microservice Patterns, Ports & Adapters Architecture, Domain Driven Design, Functional Side-effect Free Programming

Cloud Skills
Docker, Kubernetes, K9s, Terraform, FluxCD, GitOps, CI/CD GitHub Actions,  Google Cloud (GCP), Cloudflare, Stackdriver, Cloud Storage, Cloud Artifact Registry, IAM, Sealed Secrets

Technologien & Frameworks
Spring(-Boot, Webflux, Cloud), Quarkus, Flutter, Android, Vue, Nuxt, React, Gatsby, MongoDB, SQL, REST, OAS 3 + OpenAPI Generator, Resilience4J, ArrowKt, Micrometer Metrics, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Grafana, Prometheus, InfluxDB, JUnit 5, AssertJ/Assertk, Mockito, Mockk, Keycloak, Gradle, Maven, Gatling Performance Testing

Eclipse RCP / Plugin Development (Eclipse Platform Commiter, Ex-Vogella-Angestellter beim Java Champion Lars Vogel)
Eclipse 4, Eclipse RCP, Eclipse Plug-in Entwickung, E(fx)clipse, SWT/Jface/Databinding, JavaFX/AWT/Swing, SWT Bot, OSGi, Maven Tycho (für Eclipse Plugin Builds)

Eclipse IDE, VS-Code, IntelliJ,K9s, Jenkins, GitHub actions, SDKman, Postman/Newman, diverse CLI Tools.


09/2023 - bis jetzt
Principal Software Engineer
Doorbit Technology (Proptech Startup), Hamburg (Architektur und Bauwesen, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

  • Design new microservices landscape for the Doorbit (Proptech Startup) platform.
  • Design and implement a scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure using Google Cloud Platform with Kubernetes and Terraform.
  • Manage Kubernetes clusters and services using GitOps / FluxCD.
  • Establish a monitoring stack with Alerting using Prometheus, Google Cloud Monitoring, Google Uptime Checks, Google Synthetic Monitoring, and Allquiet.
  • Setup and maintain Keycloak for authentication and authorization using OpenID Connect, Social Logins, custom Keycloak themes, and custom Keycloak extensions.
  • Manage CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions including automated API smoke tests and performance tests.
  • Integrate several real estate management systems using REST APIs and/or async messaging in a resilient fashion.
  • Implement custom OpenStreetMap algorithms to find POIs around the customers real estate and utilized GPT-4 for automated Expose text generation based on customer input and POIs.
  • Relevant Technologies:
    • C4 Diagrams
    • Spring Boot 3
    • Google PubSub
    • MongoDB
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Kubernetes
    • Terraform (Enterprise)
    • GitOps
    • GitHub Actions
    • Micrometer + Prometheus + Grafana + Allquiet
    • Gatling Performance Testing
    • Newman GitHub Actions for API smoke tests
    • Kotlin
    • Gradle
    • Log4Brains

05/2023 - 09/2023
Principal Software Engineer for the Apps & Store Touchpoints domain
MediaMarktSaturn Technology, Ingolstadt (Konsumgüter und Handel, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

  • Lead technical projects and make critical architectural decisions to drive software excellence.
  • Stay up to date with the latest technologies and best practices, and share knowledge by conducting tech talks and workshops.
  • Mentor and guide team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.
  • Identify and address technical debt to optimize existing systems.
  • Redesign legacy systems to improve scalability, performance, and reliability.
  • Reduce costs by optimizing cloud infrastructure and services.
  • Relevant Technologies:
    • C4 Diagrams
    • Google PubSub
    • Apache Kafka
    • MongoDB
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Kubernetes
    • Terraform (Enterprise)
    • GitOps
    • Kotlin
    • Ktor
    • ArrowKt
    • Gradle
    • Log4Brains

11/2020 - 05/2023
Senior Lead Software Engineer and Competency Lead for the ADPS team (Availability, Delivery Promise and Sourcing)
MediaMarktSaturn Technology, Ingolstadt (Konsumgüter und Handel, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

  • Established a new learning culture in the team by introducing pair programming, coding guidelines + ADRs, weekly tech alignments, technical debt discussions and doing talks about modern technologies.
  • Added relevant performance measures and KPIs for the running software and setting up a monitoring stack with alerting to get awareness of problems and solve them as soon as possible.
  • Refactored existing code and implemented new microservices utilizing Domain Driven Design and modern tools/frameworks to have a performant and maintainable code base serving more than 52 million requests per day.
  • Created decoupled user interfaces to enable stakeholders to maintain certain configurations and do analysis on their own to reduce the 2nd level support requests.
  • Execute job interviews and the on-boarding of new colleagues to find and keep the right people to work on these crucial projects of MediaMarktSaturn.
  • Relevant Technologies:
    • Quarkus
    • MongoDB
    • Redis
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Kubernetes
    • Terraform (Enterprise)
    • GitOps
    • Micrometer + Prometheus + Grafana + OpsGenie
    • Gatling Performance Testing
    • Newman GitHub Actions for API smoke tests
    • Kotlin
    • Gradle
    • Log4Brains

07/2019 - 11/2020
Senior Software Engineer in the XCC team (Cross Channel Checkout)
MediaMarktSaturn Technology, Ingolstadt (Konsumgüter und Handel, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

  • To keep alive the checkout process of a customer even if dependencies break is key to not loose revenue. Therefore I made sure during technical discussions to honor the reactive manifesto to stay functional by all means.
  • Implemented usage of Resilience4J CircuitBreakers and Bulkheads for the existing Spring Boot application to have fault tolerance capabilities with proper fallbacks within the application.
  • Introduced tools like Jacoco, SonarQube and Prometheus to the team for code analysis and monitoring improvements.
  • In order to spread the word, I also shared our knowledge on different topics, e.g., resilience and microservice patterns, during architecture days of the company.
  • Migrated core module (hexogonal architecture) to Kotlin Multiplatform to enable the usage of core implementations in other applications with offline capabilities.
  • Relevant Technologies:
    • Spring Boot
    • MongoDB
    • Resilience4J
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Kubernetes
    • Terraform
    • GitOps
    • Micrometer + Influx + Prometheus + Grafana + OpsGenie
    • JMeter
    • Maven
    • Java --> Kotlin

09/2014 - 06/2019
IT-Consultant and Software Architect
Vogella GmbH, Hamburg (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Vogella GmbH, HamburgIT-Consultant and Software Architect
  • Trainer and consultant for several technologies
  • Speaker on conferences and user groups
  • Author for the Java and Eclipse magazine
  • Software architect and developer for several open source projects
  • Nominated as committer of the month by the Eclipse Platform project
  • Mentoring of students (e.g., for Google Summer of Code)
  • Manage teams for several customers
  • Creating online tutorials and documentation (e.g., on
  • Creation of tools for customers (See GitHub)
  • Working onsite for international projects

08/2015 - 02/2016
Consultant and Software Engineer for Gradle
Gradle via vogella GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Right from the beginning when Gradle decided to provide their own Eclipse IDE support called "Buildship" Simon was on board giving expert advice and implemented several different plugins to enable developers to use Gradle in the Eclipse IDE with ease.

Quote from the Gradle blog:
"To accelerate the development of Buildship and to ensure that we would meet the deadline for the Eclipse Mars release in June 2015, we got Simon Scholz from Vogella GmbH to help us with work that required in-depth Eclipse knowledge, which proved to be invaluable."



In der Stadt Hamburg mit einem Radius von 50 km verfügbar
Profilbild von Simon Scholz Senior Lead Engineer (Java | Kotlin | Spring Boot | Kubernetes | Vue | Flutter | Eclipse 4 RCP) aus Hamburg Senior Lead Engineer (Java | Kotlin | Spring Boot | Kubernetes | Vue | Flutter | Eclipse 4 RCP)