Profilbild von Slavp Uv 8x SW Developers in Web/Java-JEE/JS/CQ/Oracle/Mobile  aus Kosice

Slavp Uv

teilweise verfügbar

Letztes Update: 11.06.2019

10x SW Developers in Web/Java-JEE/JS/Oracle/Mobile -

Firma: MAPIS ltd
Abschluss: Dpl. Ing.
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (gut) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Slowakisch (Muttersprache) | Tschechisch (Muttersprache)


15+ IT projects in JEE and MS .NET/C# frontend & backend application.


see international profile


Verfügbar in den Ländern Slowakei
prefer remote, 
open to DACH - 50/50

Sonstige Angaben

...for IT consulting/ prototyping services... +design and architecture proposal
...for technical recruitment... +people mngt.
...for pure SW development & testing

Nearshore Software Development Services
- Create Software Product Development, Testing & Support
- Improve quality of software applications, products and solutions
- Reduce costs of highly-competent ITresources and modern infrastructure
- Pool of flexible and talented IT staffing in the Near-Shore Center in Kosice, Slovakia
- Central coordination and control model
- Optimized business processes, transparent and manageable ITspending.
- Co - operation with Universities, IT Valley and other IT companies in Kosice region
Profilbild von Slavp Uv 8x SW Developers in Web/Java-JEE/JS/CQ/Oracle/Mobile  aus Kosice 10x SW Developers in Web/Java-JEE/JS/Oracle/Mobile -