Profilbild von Simon Roesler ♥ for digital and services ♥ Digital Empowerment & Human Focus II PM, Analyst, Consultant aus BremenBremerhaven

Simon Rösler

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Letztes Update: 14.03.2024

♥ for digital and services ♥ Digital Empowerment & Human Focus II PM, Analyst, Consultant

Firma: SBMR digital
Abschluss: TUM (Sportökonomie und Management)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)




In meiner mehr als zwanzigjährigen Laufbahn habe ich mich als Experte in den Bereichen Digital, Marketing und IT etabliert. Mein Name ist Simon Rösler, und ich bringe eine breite Expertise in digitalen Strategien, Umsetzung und Betreuung von digitalen Transformationsprojekten sowie der Markenkommunikation mit. Meine Erfahrungen spannen sich über diverse Branchen – von FMCG über Automobil, Banking und Technologie bis hin zu Sport und Lifestyle. Diese Vielfalt hat mich gelehrt, mich schnell auf neue Umfelder einzustellen und effektiv mit unterschiedlichsten Teams zu arbeiten.

Meine Kernkompetenzen umfassen die Entwicklung innovativer digitaler Produkte und Services, die Anwendung agiler Methodologien und strategische Beratung. Diese Fähigkeiten ermöglichen es mir, komplexe Herausforderungen zu meistern und strategische Ziele wirkungsvoll umzusetzen. Meine Rolle sehe ich dabei nicht nur in der Umsetzung, sondern auch darin, Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, die Chancen der Digitalisierung voll auszuschöpfen, während gleichzeitig ein Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung menschlicher Werte und Interaktionen in unserer zunehmend technologiegetriebenen Welt gefördert wird.

Meine Karriere ist von kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung und dem Streben nach der Schaffung von Lösungen geprägt, die sowohl wirtschaftlichen als auch gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert bieten. Dabei lege ich besonderen Wert darauf, ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen technologischer Effizienz und Menschlichkeit zu finden, was sich in meiner Arbeit und den Projekten, die ich leite, widerspiegelt. 

In meiner täglichen Arbeit nehme ich oft eine Schlüsselrolle an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technik und Geschäftsanforderungen ein. Als empathischer Teamplayer, rascher Analytiker und inspirierender Motivator schaffe ich es, ein produktives und positives Umfeld zu gestalten, in dem Konzepte, Produkte und Services nicht nur entwickelt, sondern auch erfolgreich am Markt etabliert werden können. Meine Leidenschaft für digitale Technologien und mein Engagement, Projekte von der Idee bis zur Realisierung zu führen, ermöglichen es mir, Kunden zu begeistern und langfristige Beziehungen aufzubauen.

Ich verstehe mich als Partner für Unternehmen, die in den Bereichen Projektmanagement, Business-Analyse und Consulting Unterstützung suchen. Mein Ziel ist es, nicht nur operative Hürden zu überwinden, sondern auch strategische Weitsicht zu bieten, um langfristige Erfolge zu sichern. Dabei steht für mich stets im Vordergrund, Technologie sinnvoll einzusetzen, um echten Mehrwert zu schaffen – für das Unternehmen, seine Kunden und die Gesellschaft.


11/2021 - bis jetzt
Granny&Smith Innolab as a Service (Sonstiges, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

As a Consultant at Granny&Smith Innolab as a Service, I specialize in facilitating rapid development and implementation of innovative projects for our clients. Leveraging the INNOWEEK initiative framework, I collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to devise efficient strategies aimed at expediting the innovation process and delivering compelling, market-ready solutions within compressed timelines.

In this role, I thrive on the dynamic challenges of guiding clients through the realization of competitive advantages via targeted and expedited innovation processes. With a focus on fostering creativity and strategic agility, I am dedicated to driving impactful outcomes that propel our clients towards sustained success in today's fast-paced business landscape.As a Consultant at Granny&Smith Innolab as a Service, I specialize in facilitating rapid development and implementation of innovative projects for our clients. Leveraging the INNOWEEK initiative framework, I collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to devise efficient strategies aimed at expediting the innovation process and delivering compelling, market-ready solutions within compressed timelines. In this role, I thrive on the dynamic challenges of guiding clients through the realization of competitive advantages via targeted and expedited innovation processes. With a focus on fostering creativity and strategic agility, I am dedicated to driving impactful outcomes that propel our clients towards sustained success in today's fast-paced business landscape.

Kenntnisse: Innovation Management · Strategic Planning and Execution · Cross-functional Collaboration · Creative Problem Solving · Agility and Adaptability

08/2014 - bis jetzt
Digital Consultant & Project Manager
SBMR digital (Sonstiges, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

As the Owner of SBMR digital, I drive digital innovation and cultivate authentic relationships in today's dynamic digital landscape. With extensive experience across sectors like FMCG, Automotive, Fashion, Sports, and Technology, I specialize in guiding companies through their digital transformation journey.

My passion for digital consulting and project management fuels my quest to craft innovative business models tailored for the digital era. Leveraging expertise in digital marketing and strategic consulting, I excel in addressing complex challenges and spearheading digital innovations for sustainable growth.

In today's evolving digital landscape, partnering with someone who comprehensively understands its intricacies is paramount. My services in digital strategy consulting, brand and communication consulting, and digital potential workshops are meticulously tailored to empower your business for digital success and sustainable growth.

1. Digital Strategy Consulting and Implementation:
Establishing a robust digital presence is vital in today's competitive environment. I offer comprehensive digital strategy consulting and implementation, ensuring your business remains ahead of the curve.

2. Brand and Communication Consulting:
I specialize in crafting compelling brand strategies and aligning digital communications for maximum impact. With expertise in brand positioning and reputation management, I enhance your brand's digital presence and market influence.

3. Workshops and Training on Digital Potentials:
Continuous learning is key in the fast-paced digital world. My workshops impart practical digital marketing skills and strategies tailored to your business needs, empowering you and your team to thrive in the digital age.

With a commitment to delivering tangible results and fostering meaningful digital transformation, I help businesses leverage digital innovation for sustainable success.

Kenntnisse: Digital Strategy and Consulting · Project Management · Technical Knowledge · Client Relationship Management · Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

03/2024 - 03/2024
Tech. Account, PMO & PM
DATAGROUP SE (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

In my multifaceted role at DATAGROUP SE, I initially commenced as a Technical Account Manager, providing pivotal support to the Service Manager in customer management within the full-service financial IT sector. My journey evolved into leading and participating in several critical projects, which included:

- Orchestrating the PMO for new customer transition projects, exemplifying leadership in complex, large-scale initiatives.
- Acting as the Lead PMO for the tendering process for banks, positioning us as a new full-service provider.
- Functioning as a partial project leader in various facets of onboarding regional and national banks.
- Providing instrumental support in data center relocations and tape library moves.
- Leading the PL Taskforce Lifecycle for project closure with a banking client.

A significant achievement during my tenure was establishing and training a PMO team of three members. Together, we successfully supported four major projects in the banking sector, enhancing our team's reputation for efficiency and expertise in project management and client transitions in the financial IT landscape.In my multifaceted role at DATAGROUP SE, I initially commenced as a Technical Account Manager, providing pivotal support to the Service Manager in customer management within the full-service financial IT sector. My journey evolved into leading and participating in several critical projects, which included: - Orchestrating the PMO for new customer transition projects, exemplifying leadership in complex, large-scale initiatives. - Acting as the Lead PMO for the tendering process for banks, positioning us as a new full-service provider. - Functioning as a partial project leader in various facets of onboarding regional and national banks. - Providing instrumental support in data center relocations and tape library moves. - Leading the PL Taskforce Lifecycle for project closure with a banking client. A significant achievement during my tenure was establishing and training a PMO team of three members. Together, we successfully supported four major projects in the banking sector, enhancing our team's reputation for efficiency and expertise in project management and client transitions in the financial IT landscape.

Kenntnisse: Technical Account Management · Project Management · PMO (Project Management Office) Operations · Cross-functional Collaboration · Strategic Planning and Analysis

03/2024 - 03/2024
Freelancing Partner
CROWDCONSULTANTS (Sonstiges, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

As the first employee to join the founders at CROWDCONSULTANTS, I played a pivotal role in the company's significant growth, contributing to its recognition as "Company of the Year" at the German Stevie Awards for three consecutive years. My involvement was instrumental in the strategic direction of the startup, overseeing the marketing efforts as the team expanded to over 15 members.

My responsibilities extended beyond traditional marketing roles, encompassing collaboration with former executives in client projects. This collaboration not only enhanced our project outcomes but also contributed significantly to the company's success story. My tenure at CROWDCONSULTANTS was marked by dynamic growth, innovative marketing strategies, and successful client engagements, underscoring my commitment to excellence in the startup ecosystem.As the first employee to join the founders at CROWDCONSULTANTS, I played a pivotal role in the company's significant growth, contributing to its recognition as "Company of the Year" at the German Stevie Awards for three consecutive years. My involvement was instrumental in the strategic direction of the startup, overseeing the marketing efforts as the team expanded to over 15 members.

My responsibilities extended beyond traditional marketing roles, encompassing collaboration with former executives in client projects. This collaboration not only enhanced our project outcomes but also contributed significantly to the company's success story. My tenure at CROWDCONSULTANTS was marked by dynamic growth, innovative marketing strategies, and successful client engagements, underscoring my commitment to excellence in the startup ecosystem.

Kenntnisse: Markenaktivierung · Digitale Strategie · Markenstrategie · Consulting · Innovative Thinking

01/2023 - 05/2023
Sales Management Consultant
Edenred Deutschland GmbH (Konsumgüter und Handel, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

During my tenure as a Sales Management Consultant at Edenred, I significantly enhanced the company’s sales processes and CRM strategies in a lively environment. My efforts were concentrated on conducting thorough evaluations of sales procedures, analyzing the Salesforce CRM database, and reviewing prior sales campaigns and CRM data management. This meticulous analysis laid the groundwork for the subsequent phases of my role.

I then took the lead in developing a new sales campaign structure tailored specifically for the SME sector. This initiative was not just about introducing a new framework; it involved crafting detailed implementation guidelines and strategies to ensure effective utilization of the CRM database. My approach was holistic, aiming to integrate these new strategies seamlessly into the existing systems to maximize efficiency and results.

The culmination of my efforts was marked by the formulation of key performance indicators (KPIs) and critical success factors (CSFs) for the sales team, thereby offering actionable insights to management. Moreover, my collaborative work with the Marketing Department enabled us to foster synergy in strategy development and executive-level consultancy. In this part-time role, my dedication to analytical rigor and strategic innovation was instrumental in driving meaningful growth and success for Edenred, underscoring the impact of focused sales management consultancy in a dynamic business landscape.

Kenntnisse: Strategic Planning and Analysis · · CRM-Datenbanken · Business-Analyse · Markenstrategie

05/2021 - 11/2021
Marketing Manager
IF Blueprint (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

In my role as Marketing Manager at IF-Blueprint, I spearheaded the redesign of the corporate design and identity, along with the development of brand values. My focus was on establishing a modern marketing framework that effectively positioned IF-Blueprint in the digital landscape.

I played a pivotal role in enhancing brand visibility and recognition by strategically adapting our brand presentation across various platforms. This initiative was crucial in strengthening the brand's foundation and building a robust brand identity.In my role as Marketing Manager at IF-Blueprint, I spearheaded the redesign of the corporate design and identity, along with the development of brand values. My focus was on establishing a modern marketing framework that effectively positioned IF-Blueprint in the digital landscape. I played a pivotal role in enhancing brand visibility and recognition by strategically adapting our brand presentation across various platforms. This initiative was crucial in strengthening the brand's foundation and building a robust brand identity.

Kenntnisse: Strategic Marketing Planning · Branding and Identity Management · Digital Marketing Proficiency · Project Management · Communication and Collaboration


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Sonstige Angaben

o Digitale (Weiter-) Entwicklung & Menschlicher Fokus o Innovative Strategien für dauerhaften Erfolg o Sinnstiftende und wertschöpfende Projekte o Persönlichkeit: ENFJ-A (Protagonist)
Profilbild von Simon Roesler ♥ for digital and services ♥ Digital Empowerment & Human Focus II PM, Analyst, Consultant aus BremenBremerhaven ♥ for digital and services ♥ Digital Empowerment & Human Focus II PM, Analyst, Consultant