Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Software Engineer (+20Y)

Letztes Update: 11.04.2024

Senior Software Engineer (+20Y)

Firma: Patrick Bédat Softwareservices
Abschluss: Bachelor Informatik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




I'm your swiss army knife kind of engineer. I've seen a lot of things and wrote a lot of stuff: concepts, docs and software, too. I turn your ideas into working and scalable products. I'm the last 20% of pareto.
What values most to me: simplicity and teaching it.


05/2020 - bis jetzt
Software Engineer
Intrafind AG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Entwicklung und Konzeption neuer Module für eine Threat Intelligence Plattform.
Aufbau der E2E Plattform und neuer Software Entwicklungsprozesse.
Einarbeitung und Coaching neuer Team-Mitglieder.

01/2018 - 09/2019
Lead Frontend Developer
iXTS GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Leading the development of a high complex enterprise web application (client and api design). Responsible for the architecture, basic frameworks, concepts and training.

The most challenging aspects of the application are

  • the high level of entanglement of enterprise processes and the corresponding data.
  • a user base, coming from a legacy desktop application, that is used to Excel-Like editing experiences
  • operating over incredible large datasets in datagrids on the client

(C#, dotNetCore, ASP Core, React/Angular 6+, Typescript, Bootstrap)

01/2014 - 01/2018
Lead Software Engineer
iXTS GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Responsible for the architecture and implementation of a editorial management software for radio stations of the Westfunk GmbH. The software helps editors to create and share news and media content, plan the flow of the daily news and to distribute news to the web.

The software is also used for shift management and rewarding freelance editors, based on published contents or worked shifts. While content can also be shared across radio stations, multiple distributed instances of the software, coordinated by a master, are working interconnected.

(C#, ASP Web API, PostgreSQL, NServiceKit OrmLite, React/Angular 1.x, Bootstrap)

01/2015 - 01/2017
Lead Software Engineer
iXTS GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

The digitalization of traditional print publications is a very unruly terrain and a market that is yet to be developed. Media Carrier offers their B2B customers all around the globe a vast assortment of publications and flexible solutions to integrate existing business workflows with the Media Carrier platform. E.g. as a Lufthansa passenger, you receive free downloads for digital content, depending on your booking class and status.

In the early days the legacy php application was hosted on a single machine, running out of capacity. As their customer requests became more an more complex and the product gained traction, we took over and transformed the entire software into a distributed, scalable, accessable and flexible plattform.

Apart from leading the development, I am responsible for requirement analysis, software and operations concepts and deployments.

(C#, Nancy, PHP, Slim, Angular 1.x, Bootstrap, Docker, AWS)


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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Software Engineer (+20Y) Senior Software Engineer (+20Y)