Profilbild von Nikita Simakov Lead Software Engineer aus Berlin

Nikita Simakov


Letztes Update: 26.07.2023

Lead Software Engineer

Abschluss: Cybersecurity at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Russisch (Muttersprache)




Main technological stack:
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React / ReactNative
  • VueJS
  • Node.JS (NestJS, Express)
  • Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  • Microservices (data pipelines, event-driven systems, CQRS, serverless architecture, ETL pipelines)
  • Cloud Services (AWS Lambda, Kinesis, Fargate, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Google Cloud)
  • Message Drive Architectures (Kafka, MQTT)
  • DevOps / Infra (Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, AWS)
  • Elixir, Clojure
  • Web3, Blockchain (cryptocurrencies APIs, ipfs, smart contracts, BTC, Ethereum)
  • Mobile applications development (ReactNative)
Soft skills:
  • Software design, architecture
  • Management, team building, mentoring
  • Software quality assurance


09/2021 - 07/2022
Freelance Consultant

Provided a software development and consultancy services for one of the IT-project of OBI Group (Mein OBI)

* Participated in the redesign and migration process of functionality from OBI mobile application to web clients, using VueJS

02/2020 - 04/2021
Freelance Project Lead
Grover GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Leading greenfield fintech project (Grover Card) and their mobile application for Grover GmbH


Grover Card is a mobile banking application similar to Revolut, N26, etc. Powered by Master Card.

* Successfully build and maintained a team of qualified engineers (hiring, management, mentoring)
* Created software architecture (backend & mobile FE)
* Highly involved in product decisions with PO, CPO, and design team
* Improved existing mobile application to solve problems of technical dept, performance, and various bugs
* Built new product functionality for banking (KYC, transactions, balances, 2FA, etc.)

11/2015 - 12/2019
Senior Fullstack Engineer & Mentor

Software engineer and mentor in the biggest language learning platform in Europe.
Key technologies used: Ruby/Rails, Node.JS, React, Redux, Docker, Terraform, AWS
Lambda, Kinesis, DynamoDB, Elixir

* Successfully migrated front-end of internal advertising campaigns
management service to React.JS and adapted back-end (Rails) accordingly
* Implemented ab-testing microservice (Node.JS) in serverless architecture
using AWS Lambda and API Gateway
* Implemented ETL microservice (Ruby/Rails) for email delivery using Kinesis
events stream. Managed related infrastructure with Terraform
* Founded "Clean Code" Community-of-Practice in the company
* Mentored two junior engineers in the team

02/2015 - 11/2015
Lead Software Engineer

Led a distributed team of engineers, enabling cheap and fast money transfers from
Hong-Kong to Philippines, powered by Bitcoins.

* Architected the platform for fast money transfers (Blockchain,
cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.), Amazon AWS)
* Delivered working solution with high-quality, reliable and secure code in few
month (Ruby, Rails, Node.JS, React)
* Successfully leaded and mentored engineers in the distributed remote team

11/2013 - 09/2014
Senior Fullstack Engineer
Dream Industries

Worked on the educational platform Theory&Practice - aggregator of lectures,
workshops and digital media on culture, art and science

* Migrated back-end of the application to Rails 4 (refactoring, clean-up)
* Reworked front-end using AngularJS
* Successfully migrated servers infrastructure from VPS to Amazon Cloud

12/2010 - 09/2013
Head of Engineering

Built and successfully led a team of engineers in a travel startup.

* Implemented fault-tolerant concurrent API-data processing core in Ruby,
using EventMachine and AMQP as base of
* Successfully integrated AngularJS (being beta at that time) on front-end to
improved user experience with highly responsive interface
* Used Chef to orchestrate infrastructure in Amazon Cloud (innovative for 2011)

05/2009 - 03/2010
Fullstack Engineer

Worked on GSM-based logistics-tracking and POI database service.


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Profilbild von Nikita Simakov Lead Software Engineer aus Berlin Lead Software Engineer