Profilbild von Marianna Kalashnyk Web / visual / UI designer, logo and identity creator, art director, advertising photographer aus Kharkov

Marianna Kalashnyk


Letztes Update: 03.06.2019

Web / visual / UI designer, logo and identity creator, art director, advertising photographer

Abschluss: Kharkov National University of Economics; Kharkov National Academy of Arts
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Russisch (Muttersprache) | Ukrainisch (Muttersprache)


Web design, graphic design, logo, identity, advertisement, art direction, advertising photography


Marianna is a highly talented and creative individual. She is always full of enthusiasm and bright ideas. She works not only in working hours, creativity and design thinking is her lifestyle. And, of course, she is an excellent professional in her field, acquainted with modern technologies, her skills are obvious and indisputable. She is a responsible and reliable employee, perfect team player. I was happy to work with she and I highly recommend her for any position she would like to obtain.
Yuriy Landgraf, CEO Validio Software


Verfügbar in den Ländern Ukraine
GMT +2, Ukraine. Flexible work graphic.
Profilbild von Marianna Kalashnyk Web / visual / UI designer, logo and identity creator, art director, advertising photographer aus Kharkov Web / visual / UI designer, logo and identity creator, art director, advertising photographer