Profilbild von Janez Cergolj Laravel & Vue.js & jQuery Web developer aus

Janez Cergolj


Letztes Update: 05.01.2018

Laravel & Vue.js & jQuery Web developer

Abschluss: Information Technology at University of Ljubljana
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Italienisch (gut) | Kroatisch (gut) | Singhalesisch (Muttersprache)


Jquery PHP Web Entwicklung Laravel Mysql Javascript Kundenbeziehungsmanagement Datenbank Design Skalierbarkeit Professionelle Verantwortung + 5 weitere Schlagwörter anzeigen


I'm back-end web developer. With over 9 years commercial and freelance experience, I've built up a great
reputation in my field, with a proven track record of consistently delivering a high-quality service to my clients.

My skills include PHP, Laravel, Vue, jQuery, database design, MySQL and Javascript.

I studied Information Technology at the University of Ljubljana and qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree.

I've worked on projects domestically in Slovenia and internationally including the UK for corporations of all
sizes; from startups such as to established businesses such as an online booking system for
Gyms in Slovenia.

Because of the scalability of my work and my substantial experience, I can effectively time manage to produce
leading class websites, web-apps, and core systems.

I am passionate about the work I do. I take responsibility for my projects, and take huge pride in the work that I
develop and launch; as part of a team and individually. This means using best practices and industry recognised
standards achieve the best possible results for all clients, old and new.

Working in both large and small development teams has taught me to be receptive to ideas of others whilst
developing and creating. I believe passionately in sharing knowledge within teams; to teach others and learn
myself as I progress through my career as a developer.

Transparent communication and excellent customer relations are important to me. You can rest assured that I
am not someone who disappears mid-project and doesn't return your calls.


1. Senior Web Developer at AlliedCrowds
December 2016 - June 2017 (7 months)
Developer at AlliedCrowds

2. Lead Web Developer
October 2012 - February 2014 (1 year 5 months)

3. Lead Web Developer at Šola prihodnosti Maribor
September 2011 - September 2012 (1 year 1 month)


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Profilbild von Janez Cergolj Laravel & Vue.js & jQuery Web developer aus Laravel & Vue.js & jQuery Web developer