Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Independent Full-Stack Developer, Independent Start-up Consultant, Independent Software-Architect

Letztes Update: 05.03.2024

Independent Full-Stack Developer, Independent Start-up Consultant, Independent Software-Architect

Abschluss: MSc. Computer Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (Grundkenntnisse) | Russisch (Muttersprache)




JEE, Domain Model, microservices, Quarkus 2, Java, Mockito / Docker, event sourcing, JIRA, Confluence, Gitlab, IntelliJ, Maven, Elasticsearch, Postgres, RabbitMQ, AMQP, Node.js, Angular, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Spring, Spring Integration, API, Lombok, Java 8, server-side, Test-driven development, Kotlin, Junit 5, Mockito / testcontainers / awaitility, NodeJs, Typescript, Jasmine, frontend, Camunda, Clustering, SolR, JMeter, Debugging, PHP 7, Symfony, AngularJS, REST+RabbitMQ, Version control, git, CI, Docker, Docker Compose, SonarQube, Graylog, Scrum, Jira / Confluence, cloud, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Apache, Freemarker, SSHD, Docker-Compose, Jenkins, ClickUp, AWS, Spring WS, REST+SOAP+, SQS+Kafka, Streams, Kubernetes, SQS, JPA, REST, MDA, UML, JetBrains, JMS, Eclipse, Vue.js, Junit5, MockMVC, CI/CI piplines, Jenkins Pipelines and goCD, AWS +, Apache Kafka, JUnit 5. Refactoring, Junit3 test environment, REST APIs, WSO2, Jenkins Pipeplines, software architecture, OSGi, IoT, database engines, algorithm, database engine, MS Azure / Microservices, Eclipse RCP. Dockerizing IBM WebSphere AS8.5 and 9, IBM WebSphere MQ, IBM, DB2, development environment, BIG DATA, data integration, Data Warehouse, Jira + Tempo, agile development, Jira +, Subversion, SVN, pre-commit, integration testing, JBoss / Arquillian, bash, Linux, RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, PowerShell, JBoss 7, JPA (Hibernate), JavaScript, CSS, HTML, RDBMS, NoSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Software testing, Code Review, DevOps, Vagrant, terraform, virtualization, Ansible, Nexus, Slack, S3, AWS EC2, Vagrant + packer + Ansible + Docker, integration tests, databases, webinars, database, Google Apps, Zendesk, cloud storage, Google, EC2, VPC, Amazon Redshift, RDS, SaaS, CloudFormation, MS Azure, SoftLayer, SSL, data virtualization, bug-fixing, Eclipse RCP, JBoss, Java EE, Eclipse EMF, Apache Tomcat, JBoss 7.1.1, software quality, Eclipse EMF framework, CI/CD, Web Development, GWT, OpenArchitectureware + Eclipse, SWT, Apache CXF / SOAP, JPA/Hibernate, OpenArchitectureware, semantic web, Linked Data, Windows XP, JEE6, Google App Engine, ExtJS, Google APIs, Ontos Semantic API, web application, Tomcat, Hibernate, JQuery, RDF, open source, CMS, APIs, Drupal, WordPress, Java6, PHP, SPARQL, MQL, RDFa, Notes, visualization, AspectJ, RMI, web-based, MyEclipse, JEE5, Design Patterns, JSF, Facelets, ICEFaces, AOP, refactoring, HSQLDB, UML2, EMF, C++, NET platform, XML, NET, DLL, CodeGear RAD Studio, MS Visual Studio .NET, C#, Xerces C+, + Framework, XSL, framework design, JSF Framework, Windows 2000/XP, J2EE, Java5, Velocity, Digester, JSP, B2B web applications, Software development, EJB, Drools framework, DB, EJB 2.0, XDoclet, Drools, Timeframe, session beans, CVS, Junit, SQL queries, JDBC, SQL, client/server, Delphi, Interbase, ERP, database design, Delphi 7, DML, business logic, data analysis, Delphi 6, MS Visio, DDL, database schema, CRM, Delphi components, log files, sniffer, console application, Kylix, test-driven software development, MDSD, Cobol, CPN ML, XPath, XQuery, Petri-Nets, VHDL, MQL (Freebase), Microformats, JavaServer Faces, Hibernate / OpenJPA, Struts, Servlets, Junit 3-5, Spring Boot 2, Ext JS, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, NET CF, COM, ActiveX, Angular 2-8, Sonatype nexus, web console, CLI, G Suite (google apps, work, Azure, SCM, Scripting Stacks, Packer, Docker / Docker Compose, Stack, Jira Agile, Fisheye/Crucible, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio .NET, Delphi 4-7, ISPF, TSO, IBM WebSphere AS 8, IBM WebSphere AS 9, WebSphere MQ, CICS, IIS, DataVirtuality LDW, PostgreSQL, SAP DB, Interbase/Firebird, Windows, z/OS, OS/390


08/2023 - 12/2023
Independent Fullstack-Developer, Architect, DevOps, API Designer

07/2022 - 07/2023
Independent Fullstack Developer

nalyse electronic invoicing standards and libraries, extend current billing micro service to support electronic invoicing using Factur-X/ZUGFeRD 2.2.0, implement bulk import/export/validation toolchain. Using java8, springboot 2, vue 2 and angular.js, lombok,, mapstruct, itplr-kosit validator.

Extend current micro service to implement periodical updates of tenant data in the internal tenant system with caching and retention stragegies. Using java 17, springboot 2, spring batch, spring cloud and feign, gitlab CI/CD.

07/2021 - 06/2022
Independent Full-Stack Developer / Architect
(Pharma und Medizintechnik)

Analysis of a legacy JEE landscape, building a Domain Model (DDD) for a subsysem of that landscape, creating microservices according to the model using Quarkus 2 / Java 11 / MockServer / Mockito / RestAssured / Docker. Using hexagonal architecture and event sourcing patterns in the microservices. Creating new reactive micro services using RESTEasy reactive / Panache reactive.
GitFlow and Trunk-based Development in a SAFe Framework. Later test-driven development in a Scrum environment.
Tools: JIRA / Confluence / PlantUml / AsciiDoc / Gitlab / IntelliJ / Maven / gitlab CI/CD

07/2020 - 06/2021
Independent Full-Stack Developer
(Öffentlicher Dienst)

Backend / Frontend:
Co-developing a microservice-based solution for effective management of
copyrights. Extending a microservice that populates an Elasticsearch Index getting data from the central Postgres data base / via RabbitMQ / AMQP messaging. Extending a Node.js-based Elasticsearch query microservice, extending an Angular 6-based user front-end.

Using Spring Boot 2 / Spring Data / Spring Cloud / Spring Webflux / Spring Amqp / Spring Integration / Jooq / Elasticsearch Rest API / Lombok for the Java 8/11-based server-side microservices. Test-driven development using Kotlin, Junit 5 / Mockito / testcontainers / awaitility / Maven stack. Using Gitlab CI/CD
Using NodeJs / Typescript / Karma /Jasmine for the Node.js-based back-ends and Angular 6 (later 11) / RxJS / Typescript / Karma / Jasmine for the front-end.
Extending SpringBoot Camunda BPM Services.

Legacy / Performance tasks:
Clustering a SolR server running behind a lecacy web system to maximize requests throuput / minimize latency. Performance testing via JMeter. Debugging / fixing Performance issues in a highly-parallelized Go-Application populating a SoR Index.
Splitting out a SpringBoot microservice from a legacy PHP 7.1/Symfony + AngularJS monolith and connecting them together loosely via REST+RabbitMQ messaging.

Infrastructure stack:
Version control via git, CI/CD via GitLab. Microservice orchestration via Docker / Docker Compose, Feature management via Unleash.
Quality Management via SonarQube. Log analysis with Graylog. Using Scrum. Jira / Confluence for Project management / Documentation.

05/2020 - 06/2020
Independent Start-up Consultant
(Transport und Logistik)

Taking role of a Management Consultant to help optimizing IT-staffing and
internal Development processes.

Requirements engineering, design and implementation of a generic Fortras
Bord512 Standard cloud-base microservice for different company partners
using Java 8 / Spring Boot 2 / Spring Data JPA / Spring Cloud Config Server
/ Spring Security / Spring Kafka / Apache Freemarker / Lombok / Apache

Using Docker, Docker-Compose, Git, Gitlab, Jenkins, ClickUp, SonarQube
on the infrastructure side.

Scrum-based development.

10/2019 - 04/2020
Independent Software-Architect
(Automobil und Fahrzeugbau)

Designing the architecture of a cloud-based microservice solutions for
supporting of different automotive tracking processes according to the
EPCIS 1.2 standard. Design and implementation of the test infrastructure.
Hands-on implementation of the back-end microservices with Java 8 /
Spring Boot 2 / Spring Data JPA / Spring Cloud AWS / Spring WS / Spring
Security/ Spring Kafka. Implementation of the microservice
intercommunication via REST+SOAP+Amazon SQS+Kafka/Kafka Streams.

Using Kubernetes, Docker, Docker-Compose, Amazon Aurora, Amazon
SQS on the infrastructure side. Scrum-based development.

04/2019 - 09/2019
Independent Full-Stack Developer
(Öffentlicher Dienst)

Full-stack development of microservices & web-front-ends for supporting of
complex administrative processes. Architecture design and implementation.
with Java 8 / Spring Boot 2 / Spring Data JPA / REST on the back-end and
Angular 7/8 with Clarity + Material Frameworks on the front-end side.
Developing different software Layers and transformation scripts with Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) Approach and UML/Velocity in MID
Innovator. Configuration of the CI/CD pipeline (JetBrains' Upsource).
Scrum-based development.

01/2019 - 03/2019
Independent Start-up Consultant
(Energie, Wasser und Umwelt)

Taking role of an interim CTO / Management Consultant to streamline the
HR process and optimize IT-staffing for a dedicated development team.
Screening developer and QA candidate profiles for different positions,
interviewing candates and testing their knowledge of technologies required
for development of customers producs like:

Microservices / Docker / REST / Spring Boot / JEE / JMS / Eclipse RCP /
Angular 5 / Vue.js / Polymer

01/2019 - 03/2019
Independent Software-Architect
(Automobil und Fahrzeugbau)

Full-Stack development with AWS / Microservices / REST / Swagger /
Spring Boot 2 / Junit5 / MockK + MockMVC on the back-end and Angular
5 on the front-end side. Architecture co-design and implementation.
Implementing back-end tests and documentation. Infrastructure
management and configuration of the CI/CI piplines (Jenkins Pipelines and
goCD). Scrum-based development.

07/2018 - 12/2018
Independent Software-Architect
(Automobil und Fahrzeugbau)

Development and documentation of microservices in the automotive context
with Docker Compose / REST / Swagger / Spring Boot 2 / Kotlin / AWS +
Lambda / Apache Kafka / RestAssured. Testing and documenting the API
and code with JUnit 5. Refactoring the old Junit3 test environment to JUnit5.
Introducing MockK testing framework and write tests with this framework.
Desinging REST APIs and configure of the WSO2 Application Gateway.
Configuration of the CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins Pipeplines). Scrum-based

04/2018 - 06/2018
Independent Software-Architect
(Energie, Wasser und Umwelt)

Hands-On software architecture and development with OSGi-based
microservices / Java 8 on embedded devices (IoT). Research and analysis of
available time series database engines regarding their functional and nonfunctional
aspects. Inventing a mathematical clustering algorithm IO
reduction. Implementing this algorithm as a PoC during re-engineering of a
dedicated time series database engine to increase IO performance and
minimize load. Using GitLab for CI/CD management. Scrum-based

12/2017 - 03/2018
Independent Start-Up CTO
(Energie, Wasser und Umwelt)

IT-management, IT-staffing, designing IT processes and landscapes, R&D,
software architecture, software engineering.

Stuffing and leading a team for development of a new highly-scalable
trading platform based on microservices / Docker / REST / Spring Boot /
JEE / JMS / Eclipse RCP / Angular 5 / Vue.js / Polymer. Hands-on Full
stack-development of the new platform as a Lead-Architect/Engineer.

Introducing a migration plan from the legacy software to the new platform.

03/2010 - 08/2017
Co-Founder, CTO
Data Virtuality GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie)

Founder of a software-company in the data integration sector of the big data space. 


* Screened 2000+ candidate profiles; Did 213 interviews; raised technical team size up to 19 teammates
* Evaluated and selected headhunters and HR agencies for cooperation
* Prepared and published vacancy descriptions on various sites
* Did monthly reviews with the developers
* Approved freelancer invoices
* Analyzed demand in technical stuff and the development team performance
* Did intermediate and years talks with the developers

Software Development
* Product / Roadmap / Release planning together with the CEO
* Introduced and managed an agile development process ( Scrum / Jira + Jira Agile)
* Researched, evaluated and selected software technologie by weighting different factors like the matureness of the technology itself, the available knowledge in the team, learning curve, easiness to upgrade / change
technology later on etc.
* Set up development infrastructure (based on Maven, Subversion etc.) and configuring SVN pre-commit hooks ( JIRA Commit Acceptance plugin )
* Introduced development and QA processes and trained the team. Programmed a basic integration testing platform (JBoss / Arquillian)
* Checked third-party licenses for compatibility, contacting lawyers, organizing SW structure to match license requirements (Maven)
* Created / reviewed / optimized bash scripts on different Linux (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu) Platforms as well as PowerShell scripts on Windows Platforms
* Back-end and front-end software development ( Java / JBoss 7 / JPA (Hibernate) Eclipse RCP 4 / AngularJS / JavaScript / CSS / HTML ). Using different RDBMS and NoSQL Data sources (esp. MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL, Oracle, and MongoDB)
* Software testing ( back-end / front-end )
* Establishing a Code Review process and reviewing code (Fisheye/Crucible) and software architecture

Release Engineering / DevOps

* Evaluated different SCM stacks like puppet, chef, Ansible, Vagrant, packer and terraform
* Evaluated different virtualization solutions like docker and Kubernetes
* Implemented and evangelized a DevOps approach for the CI & CD processes based on docker and Jenkins.
* Implemented release infrastructure combining AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Jira, Confluence, Nexus, Slack to automatically tag / build and publish on AWS S3 release artifacts for multi-platform environments and share them in Slack together with corresponding automatically generated "What's new" document
* Containerizing the upper release process using Docker to speedup release times
* Initial implementation of a release step that publishes release artifacts as ready-to-use AWS EC2 AMIs using Vagrant + packer + Ansible + Docker stack
* Automation of the integration tests infrastructure: setting up test databases, Jenkins, configuring Jenkins jobs
* Automation of builds: configuring Jenkins build jobs and SVN hooks
* Redirected Jira notifications from emails to slack to stream line communication

Marketing / Business Development / Sales

* doing technical part of the product webinars together with Sales
* presenting the product in different database-oriented events, gathering partner and sales leads
* presenting and installing  software and doing technical support for partners / prospects

Systems Administration / Procurement

* choosing/ordering SW/HW for technical and non-technical stuff, inventory and license management
* Administrated company-wide Google Apps account
* Administrated company-wide helpdesk account (Zendesk)
* Administrated company-wide cloud storage accounts (TeamDrive, Google Drive)
* Administrated company-wide AWS account; was a main specialist in the company for AWS - broad knowledge in EC2, VPC, Amazon Redshift, RDS and other services. Automated company's SaaS infrastructure by AWS CloudFormation
* Administrated company-wide MS Azure account
* Administrated company-wide IBM SoftLayer account
* Administrated company-wide Slack account
* Administrated JIRA, Confluence, Nexus, Jenkins and other development Systems on Linux (mostly Ubuntu) (including
installation, configuration, linking, updates, and SSL certificate configuration)

10/2011 - 04/2012
Independent Software Engineer / Web Development
(Transport und Logistik)

Working as a full stack web developer developing in-house logistics
application in Java / GWT for a big online retail corporate client. Introducing
model driven software Development to streamline / speedup full-stack
development using state-of-the-art platforms like OpenArchitectureware +
Eclipse. Speeding up the development of repetitive issues by appr. 400%.

Scrum-based development.

Technologies: SWT / GWT, Maven, REST, Apache CXF / SOAP,
JPA/Hibernate, OpenArchitectureware, Eclipse

04/2010 - 09/2011
Software Engineer
(Internet und Informationstechnologie)

Developing semantic web applications, R&D focusing on Linked Data, Semantic API extensions and customer projects, team leading
Developing cloud-based semantic portal, Research / evaluation of available cloud/cluster technologies, Researching the possibilities to augment BI with semantics, writing research papers, presenting at a conference, Implementation of a highly available web application for administration and reports. Extending Semantic API to meet the customer needs. Deployment, testing, maintenance on a linux cluster. Integrating Semantic API with the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud by doing integration Requirements analysis, specification and implementation of a web application for integration of the Semantic API with the LOD cloud. Developing an open source cross-CMS semantic publishing plug-in based on Semantic API / Linked Data . Analysis of diverse CMS Extension architectures, available semantic APIs; specification and implementation of a CMS-independent plugin core that is easily adaptable to any CMS. Implementing adapters for Drupal and WordPress

Authoring scientific papers and speaking at conferences LSWT 2010/11 and ESWC 2011

Eclipse, Subversion, JEE6, Google App Engine, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ExtJS, JQuery, Google APIs, JEE6, Spring, Linked Data, RDF, Semantic API, MySQL, Hibernate, PHP, SPARQL, MQL, RDFa, Microformats, Semantic API

12/2007 - 03/2010
Software Engineer
(Automobil und Fahrzeugbau)

Focusing on re-engineering of a MES visualization solution by the means of
MDA/MDSD. Extending a highly-available assembly line visualization solution to support new assembly line features Application analysis and refactoring to match to customer process. Research and comparison of available MDSD approaches and technologies. An architecture-centric re- developing of the solution core services as a feasibility study to increase software robustness and availability.

Lead Developer of a web product in the healthcare branch. Implementing a web-based solution covering technical support of medical components. Problem field analysis, technology stack selection and full-stack development corresponding to specification

Java6, Oracle, AspectJ, RMI, Eclipse, MyEclipse, Subversion, JEE5, JPA, Hibernate, HSQLDB, Spring Security, MySQL, Design Patterns, JSF, Facelets, ICEFaces, CSS, OpenArchitectureware, UML2, EMF/GMF

05/2006 - 01/2008
SW Developer, Graduate associate

Development of a JSF-Based web framework with extended layout functionality (Requirements engineering, framework design, developing, adapting and refactoring of the framework components based on the JSF Framework to create a stateless presentation-layer web framework prototype with automatic layouting and data-binding).

Extending a transportation scheduling system in C++ and linking it to the .NET platform using XML (analysis of the application and research of migration strategies; converting the application to an unmanaged DLL; implementing a tour scheduling DLL with a test application communicating over XML)

CodeGear RAD Studio, MS Visual Studio .NET, Subversion, C++, C# (.NET 2.0), XML (Xerces C++ Framework), XSL, Apache Tomcat, Eclipse, Subversion, J2EE, Java5, JSF, Velocity, Digester, XML/XSL, JSP, Design Patterns

10/2003 - 01/2006
Software Engineer
(Medien und Verlage)

Development of B2B web applications with J2EE. Attended a workshop in test driven J2EE-Software development, Independent development of a software agent to priority- based importing of publication covers into the internal product catalogue. Requirements engineering, design and implementation of the EJB-based software agent. Employing Drools. Co-development and modification of the EJB-based system parts of the internal media catalogue and procurement systems. Design and implementation of the J2EE components based on EJB2.0 and XDoclet, testing and refactoring of the existent enterprise and session beans, controllers and other application classes. Designing the presentation layer in the framework’s own XML-based language. Co-development of diverse B2B publishing applications, particularly in the field of customer complaints analysis and automated testing. Development and maintenance of the test packages for testing of the internal B2B- catalogue system. Writing a system of Junit test cases using mocks, performance analysis of different SQL queries, DB redesign

Linux, Eclipse, SAB DB, J2EE (JDBC, EJB 2.0), XDoclet, Drools, Design Patterns, CVS, XML, Design Patterns, JUnit, SQL

01/2003 - 12/2003
Software Developer

Project: Independent development of a standalone client/server
"Trouble Ticketing Reporting System" ("TTRS") for the
Siemens AG. Application generates annual statistics for
the "Trouble Ticketing System", which was also made by
iT-NetService GmbH on behalf of the Siemens AG
Branch : Electrical Engineering
Role: Software Developer
Challenges: Requirements engineering and database design,
application implementation and design of the reports in
"List and Label" reporting engine
Environment : Windows 2000/XP, Delphi 7, Interbase
Technologies: Delphi 7, SQL (DML), List & Label reporting framework

01/2000 - 09/2003
Software developer
(Internet und Informationstechnologie)

Software developer. Developing client/server applications in Delphi/Firebird/Interbase in the fields of ERP, customer management and trouble ticketing. Requirements engineering and database design, testing, application implementation and design of the reports in “List and Label” reporting engine. Prototype design and implementation, business logic development, database (re-)design, creating sophisticated SQL queries for data analysis, aggregation and modification. Design of the database schema and development of the Access Control Lists for selective functionality restriction of the modules. Development of the interface to the CRM module. Adaptation of the presentation and business logic layers, developing of Delphi components to extend the search ability inside the product. SQL queries design and DB schema altering. Modification of the client/server traffic measurement system. Independent development of an application analyzing the net traffic log files created by a sniffer application

Windows 2000/XP, Linux, Interbase, Delphi 6-7, Kylix, SQL (DDL/DML), List & Label reporting framework, MS Visio,

01/1993 - 12/1995
Computer operator
(Internet und Informationstechnologie)


Weltweit verfügbar
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Independent Full-Stack Developer, Independent Start-up Consultant, Independent Software-Architect Independent Full-Stack Developer, Independent Start-up Consultant, Independent Software-Architect