Profilbild von Hinke vanBelle Projekt manager / Interim manager / Product Owner / Berater aus Munchen

Hinke van Belle


Letztes Update: 23.11.2015

Projekt manager / Interim manager / Product Owner / Berater

Firma: Capilla BV
Abschluss: Communications Management & Medien- und Culturwissenschaft
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | Englisch (gut) | Niederländisch (Muttersprache) | Spanisch (gut)


Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – Equens
Business Administration - Amsterdam Graduate Business School
PRINCE2 Foundation - Cap Gemini
Mathematics and Finance - University Nyenrode
Culture and Media Science – University of Amsterdam
Sociology and Economy - Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (Germany)
Communication Management - EuroCollege (HBO)
Marketing - NIMA-A


"Hinke is particularly driven in crystallizing and capturing processes. Hinke has good communication skills, she is enthusiastic and has tranquility. Hinke interacts easily with people and is appreciated for the quality, speed and consistency of her work." (Bart van de Ven, BrainShare B.V.)

"Hinke is an enthusiastic and passionate professional who functions best with high workload and when she has sufficient challenge. Definitely someone very nice to work with and we receive always very positive feedback from our clients. Someone on who one can rely." (Janco Duijs, BrainShare B.V.)

"Hinke is a project manager with experience in various organizations. Hinke is a cheerful and motivated professional who easily connects with people. She communicates well and can easily collaborate with all kinds of people. They appreciate her passion and enthusiasm. On top of that all, she sees quickly where action is needed and knows what priorities have to be set. Hinke works hard, is flexible and can take several tasks at the time." (Marijn Reinoud, Pure Professionals)


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland
Zeitliche Verfügbarkeit: Montag bis Freitag, 6 Stunden pro Tag im Büro, 2 Stunden pro Tag zu Hause.
Räumliche Verfügbarkeit: München + 25 km
Profilbild von Hinke vanBelle Projekt manager / Interim manager / Product Owner / Berater aus Munchen Projekt manager / Interim manager / Product Owner / Berater