Profilbild von Florian Weigl Senior Android Developer aus Berlin

Florian Weigl


Letztes Update: 01.04.2024

Senior Android Developer

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


I've been an Android developer for over 10 years, 4 of them as a freelancer.

Skills and experiences:

- Programming in Kotlin, Java
- Architecture with MVVM, MVP, LiveData, Jetpack Compose, Clean Code, SOLID principles
- Coroutines and RxJava
- Backend interaction with Retrofit, Rest, Json, Xml etc.
- Dependency injection with Dagger and Koin
- Unit tests with JUnit4 and UI tests with Espresso
- Version control with Git and SVN
- Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Travis CI, Bitrise etc.
- Libraries like Google Maps, Jetpack, various Crash reporting tools, Video libraries etc.

I have a firm grasp on the Agile / SCRUM processes and roles and enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams with people from all kinds of technical, product and business backgrounds.

If you have an interesting project I'd love to hear from you! :)


01/2021 - 05/2021
Freelance Android Developer
OneFootball GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

10/2020 - 01/2021
Freelance Android Developer
Thalia Bücher GmbH (Konsumgüter und Handel, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

07/2020 - 10/2020
Freelance Android Developer
OneFootball GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

01/2020 - 04/2020
Freelance Android Developer
Plan D GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

02/2018 - 12/2019
Freelance Android Developer
eBay Classifieds Group (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 5000-10.000 Mitarbeiter)

02/2016 - 02/2018
Senior Android Developer
WeltN24 GmbH (Medien und Verlage, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

01/2013 - 02/2016
Software Developer and Product Manager Mobile
Immowelt AG

04/2012 - 01/2013
Software Developer
ToasterNET Gmbh (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)


Weltweit verfügbar
I'm looking for projects in Berlin or national & internation with the possibility to work remote.
Profilbild von Florian Weigl Senior Android Developer aus Berlin Senior Android Developer