Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Cloud Architect & Software Engineer (DevOps mindset, Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code)

Letztes Update: 01.04.2024

Cloud Architect & Software Engineer (DevOps mindset, Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code)

Abschluss: Dipl-Inform. (FH)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)




I help companies on their cloud native journey.

With several years of experience in both software engineering and the operations side of designing and building scalable applications, I truly believe a strong DevOps mindset is key to continuously ship successful products. I support your teams adopting Docker, Kubernetes and cloud native technologies not only with my technological expertise, but also from a cultural perspective. Implementing new features, evolving the cloud architecture and running applications reliably in the cloud needs a thorough understanding of these disciplines for each other. I help you navigating in the cloud native ecosystem and support your teams picking up that same spirit I am carrying.

How can I support your business?
I provide consulting and hands-on support with my technological expertise in...

Designing and implementing scalable cloud native applications: Microservices, Backends and APIs in Java/Spring, Node.JS or Golang. Event-based, message-driven systems with focus on resiliency and observability. Leveraging different levels of testing.

Cloud architecture and infrastructure automation: Using infrastructure and managed services of Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, AWS. Networking and access management. Automating the cloud infrastucture provisioning using Pulumi, terraform or CDK.

Managing highly-available container-based applications on Kubernetes: Leveraging managed Kubernetes offerings like AKS, GKE or EKS. Continuously deploying your applications using Helm, CDK8S or Pulumi. Building reliable deployment pipelines using GitOps principles (e.g. Flux).

Making use of the rich cloud native ecosystem to improve the Kubernetes experience: Centralized Logging and monitoring with fluentd, promtail, loki, ELK, Prometheus and Grafana. Ingress controllers, Network Policies, Secrets and Certificate management.

Packaging and optimizing container images and streamlining build processes: Improving docker images using multistage builds and intelligent layer caching to optimize build times and image size. Building for mutliple architectures, image hardening and trust. Of course in an automated way, e.g. Gitlab CI

Data stream processing and analytics: Processing data streams on Kafka, Confluent Cloud or other messaging systems with Kafka Streams or Apache Flink. Making use of specialized databases for analytics like elasticsearch, InfluxDB or Postgres.

Internet of Things and Industry use cases: Leveraging Cloud IoT offerings and messaging systems, MQTT brokers, LoRaWAN. Experience in containerized edge computing.


01/2019 - 12/2020
Solution Architect / Software Engineer (permanent)
Neoception GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Ideation, technical conception and implementation of the Neoception SaaS products Streamm and Floww to connect and manage RFID sensor devices and digital kanban shelves. These multi-tenant systems provide stream-based APIs for event consumption and integration of third-party applications. Automated provisioning of cloud infrastructure and third-party services as well as application deployments using IaC and GitOps principles.
  • Azure, AKS (Kubernetes), Pulumi (IaC), Flux (GitOps), Prometheus
  • Azure IoT, MQTT, Confluent Cloud Managed Kafka
  • Spring Boot Microservices, Java 11/14, Kafka Streams, Gitlab CI
Design and implementation of the Pepperl+Fuchs WILSEN.sonic.level (wireless ultrasonic sensor) backend services and infrastructure.
  • Azure, AKS, Azure EventHubs, Pulumi, Auth0
  • .NET core, Java, Spring Boot, GSM/LoRaWAN/CoAP, Gitlab CI
  • MS SQL Server, Postgres, Grafana, Cumulocity IoT Platform
Trainings and technology onboarding for colleagues and customers
  • Azure, Infrastructure Automation, Containerization, Kubernetes, Wireguard VPN

05/2017 - 12/2018
Software Engineer (permanent)
AXOOM GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Technology evaluation, conception and migration of the AXOOM Industrial IoT platform and its third-party components to Kubernetes on Google Cloud. Setup of a centralized monitoring and logging infrastructure for the multi-tenant system.
  • GCP, Google Kubernetes Engine, Network Policies, RBAC
  • Kubernetes, Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Traefik Ingress
Further development of the AXOOM Industrial IoT platform for manufacturing companies, moving to a multi-tenant microservice-based architecture to tackle scalability requirements. Implementation of IoT data processing pipelines for analytics, dashboarding and real-time alerting. Instrumentation of container-based services for monitoring.
  • Java, Apache Flink, .NET Core, OpenID Connect
  • RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL
  • Docker, Docker Swarm, Golang, Prometheus, Grafana

02/2011 - 04/2017
Senior Software Developer (permanent)
cluetec GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Technical conception and implementation of web-based applications within individual software projects for customers in the automotive, manufacturing and retail sector. Responsible for technology evaluation leading to a new company-wide tech stack and build infrastructure.
  • Java 6/7/8, Java EE, Spring Framework 3 and 4 (especially Data, MVC, Security), Spring Boot
  • JavaScript, TypeScript, AngularJS, Angular 2
  • PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, MongoDB
  • Linux, Docker, Tomcat, nginx, HAproxy, JBoss AS
Conducting regular developer-focused workshops and internal trainings.
  • Docker, elasticsearch, TypeScript, Angular, Testing, Git, …

05/2010 - 12/2010
Software Developer Java (permanent)
Become Europe GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Further development of the web-based internal business system managing merchant and portal customers in the business of white-label price comparison portals. Responsibility for managing application servers and build tooling.
  • J2EE, Java EE, JSP, Struts, JSF, JBoss AS, Maven


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland
Fully remote preferred (I have pre-COVID remote work experience).
On-site only partially in the Karlsruhe region.

Availability: Up to 4 days/week from February 2021
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Cloud Architect & Software Engineer (DevOps mindset, Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code) Cloud Architect & Software Engineer (DevOps mindset, Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code)