Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Business Analyst, UX/App/Screen Designer

Letztes Update: 15.06.2021

Business Analyst, UX/App/Screen Designer

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




I started as a student in the late 80ies with Screen/App design in dBase an Visual Basic. In the early 90ties I was a freelance software teacher (Microsoft/Adobe/Macromedia) and continued my design work for App projects. The late 90ties was the start of the internet inkl. HTML, CSS.
In 2000 I started in a large Peoplesoft Project in the financial sector with a team over 100 people. Other times I analysed the needs, wrote
the specification and Indian programmers built the app. Over all I summarize my experience like this:
- Business Analyst (>20yrs)
- Screen/App Design (>30yrs)
- UX analysis and design (20yrs)
Technically I'm used to modern design tools, all kind of tools for documentaion and communication (incl. Teams, Zoom, Webex). And my knowhow includes profound SQL experience.



Verfügbar in den Ländern Schweiz
In Switzerland I prefer projects between Zurich and Rorschach (east Switzerland).

Sonstige Angaben

I speak Swiss German, German and English fluent.
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Business Analyst, UX/App/Screen Designer Business Analyst, UX/App/Screen Designer