Profilbild von AiryFabin Rosales Java Backend Developer. Follow me in linkedin. aus fOREST

Airy Fabián Rosales


Letztes Update: 22.02.2021

I wish to have an answer but in this way is impossible to me. Look for me by email.

Abschluss: System Engineer
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (Muttersprache)




I'm System Engineer with experience as Java Backend Developer, I like to work with spring boot and spring cloud, I can help to any teams to create a platform restful. Another technologies where I could help the team:

- Microservices
- Git Flow
- Jenkis
- Openshift Red Hat
- Jira
- Agil
- Confluence
- PHP 5.6 
- Zend Framework 2
- Angular 8

I'm looking for new opportunity in German or another country at Europe. I don't have job visa to work at Europe, therefor, I will need to any sponsor.


My profile:
My project with back and front:
My Job in backend developer with apis restful: 


Verfügbar in den Ländern Mexico
Remote job, i do not have problem in hours job
I like change of residence country, the option is in europe any country.
I am from Venezuela, i do not have passport community  of europe.Inside 

Sonstige Angaben

I'm System Engineer with experience as Java Backend Developer, I like to work with spring boot and spring cloud, I can help to any teams to create a platform restful. Another technologies where I could help the team:

- Microservices
- Git Flow
- Jenkis
- Openshift Red Hat
- Jira
- Agil
- Confluence

I'm looking for new opportunity in German or another country at Europe. I don't have job visa to work at Europe, therefor, I will need to any sponsor.
Profilbild von AiryFabin Rosales Java Backend Developer. Follow me in linkedin. aus fOREST I wish to have an answer but in this way is impossible to me. Look for me by email.