Profilbild von Adrian Stanica Data Science and Web Developer aus

Adrian Stanica


Letztes Update: 20.11.2018

Data Science and Web Developer

Abschluss: MBA
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Muttersprache) | Französisch (verhandlungssicher) | Japanisch (Muttersprache) | Rumänisch (Muttersprache)


Python/Django, with a focus on AI/NLP/ML (python), and web development (Django). Familiar with the JS related frameworks, specifically Node.js, and Angular.js on top of it.
Data Bases (for web development): MySQL, PostgreSQL
Most frequently used python libraries (areas of expertiese): spacy, gnesim, nltk (NLP), scikit, keras (AI, ML), pandas (everything that deals with lots of data, statistics)

Investment banking & Hedge Funds sales experience and background, building my AI technologies company over the last 2 years.


Private projects only:
  1. Edgar (US listed companies disclosure system) disclosure parsing & analyzer
  2. Automatic news reader analysis (using feedparser)
  3. Investment algos - fully automatic investment algorithms
  4. Client Support chatbot


Verfügbar in den Ländern Hongkong
Very flexible in general.
Profilbild von Adrian Stanica Data Science and Web Developer aus Data Science and Web Developer