Profilbild von Colin Hughes UX Designer, Product Designer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer aus Muenchen

Colin Hughes


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

UX Designer, Product Designer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer

Abschluss: Diplom Designer
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (Muttersprache) | Französisch (gut)




Colin is a UX consultant (freelancer) with a background of 20 years in designing digital services and products for clients like Allianz, BNP Paribas, Vodafone, Siemens, Infineon, Deutsche Telekom, Daimler and other.

In 2000 Colin graduated from HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd University and started working as a User Interface Designer and CMS developer (Python) for the startup Sliceware in Portland, Oregon, specialized in virtual service administration.

2004 Colin joined the IT management consultancy Sapient as a UX Manager for 4 years where he lead a team of 7 UX designers relaunching the global Vodafone eCommerce platform for 17 Opcos.

Over the years Colin developed towards the field of Digital Strategy and Customer Experience Strategy. As a UX Consultant he lead a UX team of 5 designers developing the „bank of the future“ experience strategy for BNP Paribas in 2013. He conducted user research, developed personas, customer journey maps, user interfaces and interactive prototypes for this client.

In 2014 Colin (certified SM and PO) worked for Allianz Germany where he developed the user experience for the launch of two new insurance products. In close collaboration with the client Colin also developed a user centric approach for the agile development of the project defining collaboration and deliverables.

2018: At the IoT startup Mozaiq Colin developed interactive vision-prototypes transforming various IoT business opportunities into desirable and innovative user experiences that meet both business goals and user needs. The final MVP, a B2B web-app, enables users to intuitively design IoT use cases and implement these in their apps without technical skills.

2020: For Immo Scout24 Colin developed a new customer experience strategy that better funnels the various user groups on the homepage.


08/1999 - bis jetzt
User Experience Strategy and Design (Freelancer)
prototype group (Colin Hughes) (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

In the last 20+ years I have worked in nearly every industry on any UX / UI / User Research / Product Design topic out there. Please check my CV for details.


Weltweit verfügbar
Reisebereit: Ja
Präferierte Lokation: München
Profilbild von Colin Hughes UX Designer, Product Designer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer aus Muenchen UX Designer, Product Designer, Interaction Designer, UI Designer