- Backend tech lead
- Technical project management
- Architecture planning and refinement
- Developer mentoring
- Kickstart of the product from zero to launch
- Backend development
- Architecture planning and refinement
- Occasional team lead substitute and junior developers coaching
- Consulting, planning and development of early stages of the project
- Development of high throughput messaging and computation system from backend and frontend sides
- Occasional DevOps support
- Leading team of 4 developers
- Architectural decisions, business requirements refinement
- Fullstack development
- Design, development, and support of microservice applications
- Support and development of CD pipelines
- Promotion and adoption of new stable software toolsets and technologies
- Established monitoring and testing pipelines for projects
- Building backed for Java web applications. Website maintenance
- System and API design
- User, integration and unit testing
- Code review
- Application of searched-based approaches for finding bugs in GCC and LLVM compilers
- Development and application of various state of the art techniques for guided and random testing of compilers
- Organization and examination of student courses
at automatic test suites generation for Java programs
- Implementation of sandbox and automatic mock object generation
- Development and support of web interface
- Testing
- Database support
- Development and maintenance of GPU-based computations of large data sets
- Legacy code support and refactoring
- API design
exali IT-Haftpflicht-Siegel (Sondertarif für Freelancermap-Mitglieder)
Das original exali IT-Haftpflicht-Siegel bestätigt dem Auftraggeber, dass die betreffende Person oder Firma eine aktuell gültige branchenspezifische Berufs- bzw. Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung abgeschlossen hat. Diese Versicherung wurde zum Sondertarif für Freelancermap-Mitglieder abgeschlossen.