Beat Rupp

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Letztes Update: 12.01.2021

iOS/Swift developer and consultant with a passion for maintainable and well-tested software

Abschluss: Master of Science, ETH Zürich
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: deutsch (Muttersprache) | englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Swift & Objective-C on iOS and macOS platforms.
Strong focus on well maintainable software and writing clean, testable code.
Additional basic skills in Python, Ruby, Java and C++.
Strong believer in repeatable builds using continuous integration from source code to the Appstore.
Coaching and teaching abilities.

Unit-testing, TDD, UI-testing, dependency injection, clean code, refactoring, code review, pair programming, continuous integration pipelines, i18n/localization, SCRUM, Kanban, coaching/teaching

Xcode, Appcode, Cocoapods, Carthage, Push Noti cations/Appboy, Jira, Youtrack, Con- uence, Photoshop/Gimp, Illustrator/Inkscape, MS Of ce/LibreOf ce, git, Github, Gitlab, SourceTree, SVN, command line/shell, LaTeX, Linux/FreeBSD, Apache/nginx, MySQL


Westwing Group GmbH (Tech Lead iOS) Gini GmbH (Tech Lead Mobile) Element1 Media GmbH (Software Engineer)


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz

Sonstige Angaben

Looking for international and diverse projects with lots of opportunities to contribute with my knowledge and learn new technologies, tools and processes.

Looking for projects in München or remote projects (with limited on-site availability)
Profilbild von Beat Rupp iOS/Swift developer and consultant with a passion for maintainable and well-tested software aus iOS/Swift developer and consultant with a passion for maintainable and well-tested software