enfina - security s.r.o.

Uvaly 1895
25082 Uvaly
Tschechische Republik

Experiences and certified experts and auditors in Information Security Management, Identity & Access Management and IT Risc Management

Telefon: +420 604 250052
E-Mail: office@enfina.com
website: www.enfina-security.com


Experiences and certified experts and auditors in Information Security Management, Identity & Access Management and IT Risc Management


Enfina-Security interfaces with specialists from around Europe. Our team of experts, with their combined individual abilities and many years of experience, secures success and helps you achieve your goals.

Our core competencies are Information Security and IT Risk Management, Identity & Access Management.
What´s more, we offer professional training including certification and we support our customers with external audits

Our services:
> Consulting Information Security ISO/IEC 27001 (Consulting, Audit, Certification, Training)
> Consulting Identity and Access Management (Consulting)
> Consulting Cyber Security (Consulting)
> Auditing (Anti-corruption ISO 37001 and Information Security ISO/IEC 27001) (Consulting, Audit)
> Managed Services in Governance, Risk, Compliance (Consulting, Operation)

Angebotene Profile

Zertifizierter Praktiker und Senior Consultant mit 35 + Jahre nachweislicher internationaler Erfahrung als Team-/Interim
Senior with over 20 years in IT and 15-year experience in high level IT management positions, with expertise in finance/
PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Provisional Implementer PECB Certified Provisional Data Protection Officer Erfahrung im Ba
• Informationssicherheit und Regulatorik o aktuelle Rahmenwerke ISO/IEC 2700x o regulatorische Anforderungen wie MaRisk,
Expertenwissen Informationssicherheitsmanagement Informationsrisikomanagement Operationales Risikomanagement Vorber
